Thursday, October 30, 2008

sophomore slump...

13.10.2008 6.0 Sick :( but did lower arroyo anyways
14.10.2008 0.0 Sick :( worse than yesterday
15.10.2008 6.0 8x800 every 5 minutes (make up for yesterday) at lacey. One of the best workouts I've ever had, and I did it alone: 2:39, 2:39, 2:39, 2:39, 2:38, 2:37, 2:37, 2:32. I can't believe that 4 years ago I would have been hard pressed to do just one 800 at under 2:40
16.10.2008 4.0 5-4-3-2-1 at central, but I took it pretty easy.
17.10.2008 3.0 Prerace...nervous for tomorrow. I feel weaker but more rested than I did around the same time last year.
18.10.2008 5.0 went out too fast as usual... 5:27, 11:15, 17:10, ????, 29:27. I feel like I should be able to hold that first mile for all of it but for some reason I can't get it together.
Total 24.0

20.10.2008 6.0 lower arroyo. Longest run I've done in a while
21.10.2008 7.0 12x400. Tried to hold 75s, but seeing as I didn't have a watch and was running separated from everyone for half the workout, I have no idea if I did it or not. 76, 72, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, 75, 75, 76, 72
22.10.2008 6.0 rosemead. Awesome
23.10.2008 4.0 (2 on, 1 off) x 10. ran alone, so I have no idea how long this run was. Ran up hill and walnut...
24.10.2008 0.0 disneyland with matt... he's still fast even though he hasn't run for the past 3 or 4 weeks. He's going sub 1:57 this year unless a disaster occurs
25.10.2008 3.5 20 minutes fast at claremont... not really sure where we were but ran near doubletree hotel
Total 26.5

Monday, October 13, 2008

first few weeks of school...

29.09.2008 0.0 biking for 75 minutes...
30.09.2008 7.0 mile repeats at lacey (6:07, 6:08, 6:01, 6:09, 6:20). major blowup on the last one, but i should be fine...
01.10.2008 0.0 biking for 60 minutes...I miss running
02.10.2008 5.0 15 min tempo at lacey, 5 lap mark in 14:08
03.10.2008 0.0 biking for 60 minutes...
04.10.2008 8.0 ran to arroyo did tempo loop x 2.5 (9:20, 18:34, 24:10), felt okay but went out a little too fast. Need to do long runs to work on endurance...
Total 20.0

06.10.2008 0.0 final day on the bike! 75 minutes, 26.34 miles
07.10.2008 8.0 8x800 at garfield. Thought i would be tired from 15 mile bike ride earlier today but it wasn't too bad. Ran 2:57, 2:44, 2:52, 2:50, 2:47, 2:48, 2:44, 2:39
08.10.2008 6.0 huntington easy. First day of long easy running in a while. Felt good
09.10.2008 7.0 (3 on, 1 off) x 6 at lacey, did 7.7ish laps. Felt sleepy but decent
10.10.2008 3.0 lacey and back plus a few loops...felt fine
11.10.2008 0.0 Sick :(
Total 24.0

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Preseason 2008 +

27.08.2008 5.5 huntington easy. First day back and went pretty okay.
28.08.2008 9.5 full arroyo, not booking it. Took like 75-80 minutes? Not too sure because I didn't start my watch...
28.08.2008 0.0 bought running
29.08.2008 3.0 Canons (6x800), ran 3:03, 3:00, 2:57, 3:03, 3:05, 3:06. Could have gone a little faster at the end but this is a lot better than last year.
29.08.2008 3.0 easy for 25 min on south field
30.08.2008 9.5 Patrician. Wasn't as bad as I initially anticipated, but I think I was smart about going uphill not booking it.
Total 30.5

31.08.2008 4.5 Easy for 40 min, NFTC on south field
01.09.2008 10.0 JPL, just ran for time, but it should be around 10 miles (80 minutes of running + another 0.5 miles to get to cars and back). Matt ran with us and pushed the pace a little on the way up, but I felt okay when he wasn't going fast.
02.09.2008 4.0 oak grove, 5x1200 + Shenandoah bonus 1200. (4:17, 4:30, 4:30, 4:30, 4:15(?), 4:28(?)). I didn't have a watch and I wasn't close enough to others to really know the last two times. But it's pretty clear I sandbagged that workout. Should have gone faster. More importantly could have gone faster.
02.09.2008 3.0 Lacey and back + 1.5 laps around the park, pretty easy + abs
03.09.2008 7.0 ran Huntingson with scott. Somehow our 8 minute miles dropped everyone...but we were talking the entire way so I don't think I was going too hard.
03.09.2008 2.5 20 minute easy run on the south field + strides + weight room
04.09.2008 8.0 basically ran lacey long way and did 30 minutes on the North Field instead of San Marino hills because my tendon was hurting. Hopefully this goes away soon.
04.09.2008 2.0 Easy for 16 minutes + abs. Leg felt fine...
05.09.2008 5.0 Garfield long way easy. The tendon didn't hurt this morning, so that's good.
05.09.2008 0.0 just lifted
06.09.2008 5.0 bad first race...30:27 5:50, 11:53, 18:00, 24:34, 30:27... 3rd on team
06.09.2008 3.0 Ran for a bit on North Field with Kangway
Total 54.0

07.09.2008 3.0 Easy for 25-30 min, NFTC on south field
08.09.2008 9.5 Full arroyo, no watch (again), but I picked it up a lot on the last two miles like Matt suggested (but I felt good). Hopefully this doesn't mess up Shenandoahs tomorrow.
08.09.2008 3.0 Plios, wow this is going to be sore tomorrow. Surprisingly difficult.
09.09.2008 5.0 4 Shenandoahs, we were supposed to do 5 but my tendon was getting agitated so I decided to cool it. (4:47, 4:27, 4:19, 4:19). Much better than last year.
09.09.2008 2.0 14:16 on south field. Shortest workout ever...
10.09.2008 6.0 rosemead (one of my favorites). I don't understand how nobody likes this run...
10.09.2008 3.0 striders at lacey. Garrett thinks i look like a monkey. A freakishly fast monkey
11.09.2008 7.5 Lacey, 5 on 2 off by 5. Felt pretty good except for last one (tendon started acting up on the hill part). Overall did them pretty fast, 10.5 laps
11.09.2008 0.0 40 minutes on exercise bike, it told me i went 14.52 miles but i'm pretty sure it was actually 0.
12.09.2008 6.0 huntington easy. Then driving for a while... :(
13.09.2008 8.0 trail run (not fast), but felt like i was getting injured...
Total 53.0

15.09.2008 9.5 Full arroyo, 75 minutes easy with the freshmen.
16.09.2008 5.0 San Rafael hills, only did one (at 4:52) before my leg started hurting. Then did remainder of casting pond.
16.09.2008 0.0 biked for 40 min (14.52 miles)
17.09.2008 8.0 32 laps around north field in an hour. Almost got run over by mower a few times
17.09.2008 0.0 biked for 45 min (12.83 miles), saw kangway
18.09.2008 2.0 ran for 20 min warmup, 6 on 2 off, but stopped at the first one because my left ankle was hurting way too much. Biked 20 min after that. I feel like this season is slowly slipping away from me...
18.09.2008 0.0 biked for 25 min (6.53 miles). Really really easy...
19.09.2008 0.0 biked for 35 min, then kept adding on time in 5 min increments until i was at 55 min. don't know how far i went, but it was pretty easy.
19.09.2008 2.0 warmup around westmont course. I miss running...
20.09.2008 0.0 didn't race, my running consisted of booking it to mile markers to get splits. The team did pretty well.
Total 26.5

22.09.2008 0.0 biked for 60 min (21.25 miles), then lifted. Went faster on 2nd half than first...
23.09.2008 2.5 tempo at lacey. I haven't run fast in a while, but this was about how i expected (5:50ish miles, maybe a little faster)
24.09.2008 0.0 biked for 60 min (21.56 miles), then abs. Got heartrate up to 212 bpm @ 177 rpm for the last minute or so...
25.09.2008 3.0 5x1200 around lacey...ran with scott mostly (4:25, 4:20, 4:05, 4:08, 3:59). actually felt pretty good. Maybe I'm not as slow as I feared...
26.09.2008 0.0 biked for 45 min (11.77 miles) pretty easy. Tried to keep RPM under 100.
27.09.2008 5.0 Riverside, okay race considering lack of running, PR: 5:22, 11:04, 16:59, 22:51, 28:33.7 (3rd on team, 202nd overall)
Total 10.5