Thursday, December 31, 2009



Didn't run yesterday because my mom wanted me to help her at the lab :( I think I'll be okay but the streak has been broken. Anyways today I felt pretty good (recovered?) and blew through today's run; if I wasn't going 6:20-6:30 min/mile by the end I'd be surprised.

Took 52:00 (!)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Marginally better than yesterday since the sun came out partway through the run. Felt pretty good towards the end, so I extended it a little.

Took 74:55


Kinda a crappy day, it was cloudy and cold. Just wandered around pretty slowly (I couldn't have been going much faster than 8 min/mile), but that's okay.

Took 59:31

Sunday, December 27, 2009



Did a nice easy short run today, I'll consider it my "day off." I realized that I keep going the same loop (or about the same loop) with only slight variations. This is actually okay with me in terms of not getting bored, but I noticed that I started comparing times to previous runs. Like the corner of Wilmot and Speedway -- I usually get there in about 28:05. So naturally I feel great when I get there in 26:10 and horrible if I get there in 31:20. But this is exactly what I wanted to avoid by not measuring miles -- I want to make an effort this season to avoid the mentality that I have to hit time goals.

So today I just explored instead. I went a completely different direction than normal, and don't really know where I went.

Took 30:38

Saturday, December 26, 2009



Epic. 6 days of running, and I finally feel like I'm used to AZ air and everything again. Too bad it's almost time to go back to school.

Took 54:27

Friday, December 25, 2009


A longer-than-normal run to make up for yesterday. It was actually pretty nice today, mostly because there are very few cars on the street. However, I did LMFAO when I saw this douche-mobile Acura Integra rear end a police cruiser. It wasn't so much the actual car, but the fact that he:

a) had a huge muffler that did NOTHING
b) was going at least 75 in an 40 zone
c) blew through several red light lights
d) flipped a U and did the same thing

The best part was that you could totally see the "OH SHIT" moment where he frantically slammed on the brakes and tried to turn. It was more of a love tap than a collision, but still if you hit a police car you get +1 Star (I know this from GTA), so he was pretty screwed at that point. I didn't hang around to see what happened though.

Took 68:08


A short run before a ton of things to do... I got my mom a digital camera for Christmas, hopefully my sister will help my mom figure out how to use it.

Took 43:57

Wednesday, December 23, 2009



It was cold outside. I even thought about not running, but somehow I found myself out the door and doing the same run as a few days ago. Good thing I kinda have a routine now.

Took 57:34

Tuesday, December 22, 2009



The foot still felt bad, but I would say ever so slightly better than yesterday. Did a somewhat shorter run so I wouldn't run into the problem I had yesterday. Also, it was windy as hell today.

Took 59:53

Monday, December 21, 2009



Actually felt much better than yesterday and went slowly to test things out; started noticing pain again with about 2 miles left in the run, but I just had to tough it out. And I can (tough it out, I mean) for now, but that's not the point... I'd really hate to lose another season.

Took 69:47


I'm a little worried, since my left foot feels EXACTLY like my right foot did before I got injured. I can't describe it too well, but it's a combination of arch pain and heel pain. Honestly if this was a year ago I would just think I'm sore and out of shape, but this worries me a little. I'll take today off and run tomorrow to see if it gets any better.

Saturday, December 19, 2009



Ran 54:12 for the same run as 2 days ago. Tried to hurry through those miles since friends had something at 1:00pm, but as usual they all showed up 20 minutes late.

Friday, December 18, 2009



Another easy run, this time started slower and picked it up as I went along -- I started feeling better after 35 minutes or so. Took 58:31.

Thursday, December 17, 2009



An easy 57:20 at home. I've decided to follow Mark's advice and not worry about average page that much on these runs.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I finally did a non-Rosemead run that I actually enjoy a lot: top of Lake (10.7 miles). I know what you're thinking, but don't worry, I totally got this. It's my longest run timewise by far, but I think it'll be okay -- took 83:57.



A minor disaster occurred yesterday when my laptop hard drive failed. Well not completely; a few sectors were unreadable. However, some of these were pretty clutch in that they held data concerning my home directory structure. So to make a long story short, I spent yesterday buying a new drive and reinstalling.

Good old Rosemead (6.99 miles) in 52:14. Felt really hungry the entire way.


Monday, December 14, 2009



I really can't go for too long without running. I start feeling weak after two or three days even when I know nothing has changed. Anyways my longest and most AWESOME run since I got injured, Walnut-Rosemead+ (8.92 miles) in 61:42. I can almost run a reasonable training distance now!


Thursday, December 10, 2009



It was really nice to actually go running at normal practice time rather than at midnight like I've been doing. Did Huntington-Rosemead with the big D in 61:19 (8.0 miles). This has been my longest run so far, both timewise and distance-wise, and I felt pretty good about it.

Thanks to big D for mapping it:



Pullled off an epic 3000 word essay and over 70 pages of reading in ~5 short hours, then ran. Did Walnut-Rosemead (7.5 miles) in 49:57. Just one final left! But it's for the class I'm most on the edge for, better make it count...


Tuesday, December 8, 2009



Did Rosemead with Andy in 50:03 (6.66 miles). Sounds like his first term is going pretty well. Map in case you don't know Rosemead:

Monday, December 7, 2009



Ran a solid 7.5 in 56:14. Not quite as awesome as saturday, but that's okay. It was still at an acceptable pace, and made me feel a lot better after my final (1 of 4).


Sunday, December 6, 2009



I almost didn't run today. I was thinking about going to the XC party at Claremont, but then I was like what's the point. Instead I did Rosemead-- (not quite as good, but almost):

Runningwise, I felt better than I have for a while, completing it in 47:52 (pretty decent for 7.07 miles).

During the run I kept wondering why I have such a hard time getting a girl interested in me. I used to think there was just that "one thing" wrong with me. Like I was too ugly, not strong enough, not fast enough, not smart enough -- and if I fixed that then it would automagically help. I'm gradually realizing though that's it's just me in total, not really any one thing -- although not being able to interact comfortably with other people doesn't really help. After all, I did miss out on the party because I know I am always anxious and don't really have fun. Instead I did one more day of training on the off chance that one day I will be decent at this sport.

Friday, December 4, 2009



Planned on doing 50 minutes today with Anton, but actually ended up doing a wacky Huntington in 60. Awesome.

I didn't run Wednesday or Thrusday because I fell off my bike for the first time Tuesday night. I was lucky I didn't land on my face, but I landed (on concrete) almost entirely on my left knee. It felt pretty bad Wednesday even just walking around, so I just lifted instead. It started feeling better Thrusday, but I didn't want to chance it, and right now it feels good.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Met D-Chun and Andy as they were getting ready to go on a run to garfield, so I joined them and then led them astray to explore. Took 53 minutes total.



Went for a 40 minute run with Anton. He still kept up fine even though he hasn't run much at all since XC. Gonna try to get him back for track, even if all he does is the 400.