Saturday, November 15, 2008

then end of xc08

27.10.2008 6.0 upper arroyo. Went alright...
28.10.2008 6.0 9x400 at central, ran pretty fast: 73, 72, 72, 75, 76, 76, 75, 77, 72
29.10.2008 6.0 modified huntingson – ran up los robles to green and then back full arroyo way.
30.10.2008 4.0 5-4-3-2-1 lacey, went decently fast but didn't switch gears well enough. Did around 5.5 laps +/- 50m
31.10.2008 3.0 Pre race...alone since I had review session to go to at 4:00.
01.11.2008 5.0 best race this season with a PR of 28:29.03; didn't feel like it would be a PR until the very end – need to calm down the first mile; 5:27, 11:15, 17:15, ??:??, 28:29.03 (1st on team, 42nd overall / 92)
Total 30.0

03.11.2008 6.0 lower arroyo. Uneventful, but DST was throwing me off
04.11.2008 5.0 6x800 going every 4:30. did this on the track because midterms prevented me from going to practice on time. Ran pretty consistently, but it was on track so that's expected. (2:34, 2:35, 2:35, 2:36, 2:33, 2:32)
05.11.2008 5.0 mildly abnormal tree... seems shorter than last time I did it
06.11.2008 6.0 (3 on, 1 off) x 7. Did 9 laps...
07.11.2008 5.0 garfield and back short way
08.11.2008 7.0 5k tempo in the arroyo, didn't go very fast but didn't feel like i could have gone much faster...18:57. This is bad news seeing as how i ran probably 18:0x for the first 5k of my race last week...
Total 34.0

10.11.2008 6.0 upper arroyo. Went okay
11.11.2008 5.0 9x400 at central. Ran alright: 74, 75, 75, 74, 77, 76, 76, 75, 73
12.11.2008 6.0 Rosemead+ :)
13.11.2008 3.0 5-4-3-2-1 at lacey. Felt a little slow but it'll be fine...
14.11.2008 5.0 pre race...slow
15.11.2008 5.0 poor race. Went out in 5:15 and died pretty hard. A mediocre end to a mediocre season. 5:15, 11:12, 16:54, ????, 28:19.53 (3rd on team, 85th / 105)

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