Thursday, July 22, 2010

Some lulz

I had an interesting dream the other night. I like to remember them sometimes, but if I don't write them down I know I won't. So here it is.

I'm at Caltech. In my dorm room. It's raining outside and only getting worse every minute. I decide it is the perfect time to run down to the beach to check things out (in my dream, Caltech is maybe 5 miles from the ocean. But you have to cross several rivers to get there). Anton and I make it past the first 2 rivers easily despite the howling wind and crushing rain, but its picking up. I start running across the third when the bridge starts to give way. Someone yells at me to get inside while the hurricane passes. Anton charges ahead, while I double back as quickly as I possibly can and in the process lose my left flip flop, which is picked up by an attractive blonde (I guess I run in flip flops in a hurricane now). She starts saying something but I can't make any of it out...


I'm at Caltech. In my dorm room. My friend from back home is visiting, so I'm spending a lot of time with her and not really paying attention to what is going on around the school. At some point someone mentions that a programmable disease that assembles machines from host cells would be pretty freaking sweet. Meanwhile, several people in Lloyd come down with what appears to be a cold. Not surprising considering the hurricanes we've been having. Also there are mosquitos out. Lots and lots of mosquitos, though they seem to be concentrated in Lloyd. Still nothing to be worried about until OH MY GOD DID THAT BUG JUST SPONTANEOUSLY ASSEMBLE FROM SOMEONES FINGER.

So it turns out that a programmable disease is actaully a pretty freaking sweet idea, at least when it doesn't go horribly wrong and out of control (which it certainly will. at least in all major motion pictures). Some fuckwit decided that the test pattern would be to assemble mosquitos from local materials, which essentially meant that the host would die a slow painful death by being turned into a swarm of mosquitos. Fuck. My friend and I decide that we're not sick for now, since we didn't have any of the cold-like symptoms observed with the others. By now we're trying to make a hasty retreat from Lloyd to avoid getting sick, but every door has been locked and some bros are setting up expensive-looking shit outside. We realize too late that we could have escaped through Ruddock (I flash to someone else talking to a Rudd, mentioning how once they realized Lloyd was gonna be a problem he cut that off).

So Lloyd house is quarantined, and the only escape through Ruddock has been cut off. My friend and I still seem to be okay, but since they have no idea what's up they keep us in there for good measure. I decide I'm getting out, but my friend just wants to wait it out for a couple of weeks. Soon I start feeling really bad and it looks like I'm getting the cold. But nothing happens to me. Sweet, it's like I'm immune. Woohoo! I don't know how I knew for certain, but somehow I was now immune to the programmable disease. After demonstrating my immunity and verifying that I'm not a carrier, Caltech/the US Government decide it's okay if I leave. I want my friend to come too, but they won't let her (she hasn't demonstrated immunity or the fact that she's not a carrier). I promise her I'll come back for her in under a day.

During this epic day, I have somehow aqcuired an RPG and the ability to be a badass. By the way it's still hurricane season, and today is not looking too good. I use the RPG to bust a hole in my room in Lloyd and break the quarantine to free my friend during a massive thunderstorm. No one notices while I run out of there carrying her in my arms. I ran through mud rivers and over mountains to get her as far away from Caltech as possible, while more and more rain came down (I don't think it's possible for it to rain so much. It was like a river was hitting me in the face). Eventually I cannot run anymore and I have to put her down and stop.

I start working on a way to transfer my immunity. I try nearly everything, but nothing seems to work. My friend still seems okay (she hasn't gotten sick yet), but I am still worried. Meanwhile I find out that the disease has busted out of quarantine thanks to me (oopsie poopsie) and now is wreaking havoc everywhere. Apparently I was the only one who was ever immune.

In the final hours of the massive shitstorm that occurs thanks to me (end of the world sort of deal), my friend has finally started to get sick. I am so sad about her succumbing (though strangely enough, not anyone else) that I work faster and faster to find out how to transfer my immunity. Finally it hits me; it's in my spit (hey it's my dream. and I can do what I want). And what better way to transfer spit than... kissing. By now my friend isn't looking so hot (well not literally. I would still totally hit that), so I tell her what's up and how we can solve this problem. She looks at me and says, "So if I don't do this (meaning the kissing) then I die?" "Probably. Probably painfully too. By turing into a bunch of mosquitos." "Well that doesn't seem so bad."

I'm more than a little upset. And now also probably the last person on Earth. So I did what any normal person would do and I just ran. As far and as fast as I could until my legs started to give out and everything was starting to fade away... and then I wake up.

I'm almost certain there was more before and in between the sections, but I just can't remember it... I just found it kinda funny/sad that even in my dreams my friend literally would not kiss me to save her life.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Dude, I want awesome dreams like yours:

"During this epic day, I have somehow aqcuired an RPG and the ability to be a badass. By the way it's still hurricane season, and today is not looking too good."

Seriously, this is pretty f'ing epic :-D.