Monday, May 26, 2008

log 12.05.2008 - 24.05.2008

12.05.2008 3.00 extremely light run around the north field with garrett. Legs actually felt better after run, but still sore. Was even more inflexible than normal.
13.05.2008 0.00 off day
14.05.2008 5.00 garfield long way easy with garrett. Felt good
15.05.2008 3.00 light run around the north field, picked up immensely for the last mile or so. A little sad about various things (not running related), need to get away from tech for a bit.
16.05.2008 6.10 tempo run doing a modified rosemead loop ( Finished in 35:44.73! that's probably the fastest I've ever done a distance run alone; felt good the entire way and did a ridiculous kick for the last 2 minutes or so. Probably helped that it was 11:20 at night so there were no cars to stop me and it was nice and cool.
17.05.2008 0.00 off day
Total 17.10

18.05.2008 0.00 off day
19.05.2008 0.00 off day
20.05.2008 0.00 off day
21.05.2008 0.00 off day
22.05.2008 0.00 off day
23.05.2008 0.00 off day
24.05.2008 0.00 off day
Total 0.00

Sunday, May 11, 2008

log 04.05.2008 - 10.05.2008

04.05.2008 0.50 800m race, ran pretty badly. For some reason this year i am sucking at the 800 (i go out way too fast), but its not even my race so whatever. 2:15 (61 + 74)
05.05.2008 8.00 ran easy 3 mile warmup, then ran 8k on track. Was going to go easy but felt good so did a tempo at 29:07. Next year will be good. Split pretty well also, ran 5:50, 11:42, 17:37, 23:24, 29:07. (32 laps total)
06.05.2008 1.00 tried to help matt out on his 400s, ran two 30 second 200s on his last two. He's looking strong, it didn't even seem to faze him until the sixth 400 (he was doing ~62s with 2 minutes rest)
07.05.2008 1.00 ran a bit with Ian and katherine. She should go sub 5:00 in the 1500 this weekend, im pretty sure i was more tired than her after the workout
08.05.2008 1.00 delicious recovery run around the track with Garrett, not bad for his first day back
09.05.2008 0.00 got roflstomped by math midterm. Too upset to run.
10.05.2008 27.00 Kelrof, went surprisingly well although I sorta died at the end. But ran: (5:15, 5:13, 5:12, 5:12, 5:14, 5:14, 5:12, 5:14, 5:15, 5:17, 5:16, 5:13, 5:15, 5:15, 5:15, 5:15, 5:14, 5:15, 5:17, 5:16, 5:19, 5:22, 5:36, 5:45, 5:50, 5:35, 5:25), which averages to 5:19.3. you can tell I got owned after like mile 20, but still holy shit, how am I not running 16:30 for the 5k?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

wow I suck at updating: log 13.04.2008 - 02.05.2008

13.04.2008 7.00 South Field Track Club run for 60 minutes. awesome.
14.04.2008 7.80 lower arroyo in like an hour. I don't know, I forgot to start my watch. went easy.
15.04.2008 3.00 12x400 going every 2 minutes (~40 seconds rest), ran: 80, 76, 80, 79, 78, 79, 79, 78, 78, 78, 75, 78
16.04.2008 5.00 garfield long way easy. Took about 42 minutes, but felt super relaxed the entire way.
17.04.2008 0.00 drove to santa rosa
18.04.2008 3.00 (2 on, 1 off)x6 on beach. ridiculous wind
19.04.2008 0.00 wedding day! super windy. was forced to dance
20.04.2008 0.00 driving back to tech.

21.04.2008 7.80 lower arroyo in 62:40. went slowly the entire way. allergies getting pretty bad.
22.04.2008 2.00 8x400 going every two minutes, ran: 77, 79, 78, 78, 78, 76, 76, 74 bonus: 61
23.04.2008 5.00 lacey long way, 3 laps, then back up the short way. felt fine.
24.04.2008 3.00 pre race with rosen and kiesz. they went a little fast for me but it was okay. I really hope matt wins the 1500, he's looking strong.
25.04.2008 1.90 3k steeple: 11:15, (15/15) fell on last two barriers. legs felt tired and heavy before race
26.04.2008 3.10 5k: 17:21 (28/31), horrendous time. I felt slow before the race but I just thought it was nerves. guess not. I don't even know what happened, I ran 5:22, 11:02, 16:43, 38. what a way to end the season

28.04.2008 9.00 ran around the track for an hour or so. don't know how many laps I did but it was a goodly number. my foot has blisters now
29.04.2008 0.90 3x500 (50, 47, 47, 47, 48) with 3 minutes of rest. felt kinda slowish
30.04.2008 5.00 lacey long way, 2 laps, then back up the short way. felt fine.
01.05.2008 0.70 (400 + 200)x2 with 30 seconds between 400 and 200 and 5 minutes between sets. wanted to run pr 800 first lap pace. legs hurt a lot, foot still blistered. ran: (61, 32), (63, 34)
02.05.2008 11.00 ~46 laps around the track. I may have lost count at certain points but it's +/- 3 at most. felt better as time went on.