Sunday, June 22, 2008

log 08.06.2008 - 21.06.2008

08.06.2008 14.50 ran this awesome route in 1:49:42 starting at like midnight: felt good the entire way; went out in 57:30, return trip in 52:12, let time run for stops
09.06.2008 9.50 ran this in 68:02 at midnight: nothing extraordinary about this run... was really freaked out at first but calmed down later. Time includes stops...
10.06.2008 0.00 off day. Except i was getting roflstomped by my finals.
11.06.2008 6.00 delicious rosemead run. Somehow took off without a watch so no time, started feeling a little pain in right leg near knee. No idea what it is.
12.06.2008 7.00 ran with Garrett easy on some modified huntington. Still have that muscle pain but I can deal. Besides that it was okay.
13.06.2008 0.00 took anton to the airport because he missed his supershuttle...discovered packing takes 2-5x longer than initially expected.
14.06.2008 5.50 driving back to tucson. I love arizona. Didnt really feel like running but art dragged me out anyways. Ran easy to river.
Total 42.50

15.06.2008 8.00 nice and easy with arturo again. He's still a lot faster than me, no wonder he's got a running scholarship. Bad time to run though, it was freaking 103 outside! At least its dry heat. Knee pain is gone.
16.06.2008 4.00 easy run at night, when its finally ~80 degrees as opposed to 100+
17.06.2008 3.00 summer meet: mile (5:03, 1st), 2-mile (11:31 official, 10:57 unofficial, 1st). Funny thing with the 2-mile, I started late cuz I missed the calls for it, so I put on my shoes, ran across the field to the start, lapped the field, and won. Awesome
18.06.2008 9.50 good run at night in 71:45 (including stops). here's the route:
19.06.2008 9.50 nice long run at night in 68:27 (including stops). Legs felt weird, but it went away after 2.5ish miles. Here's the route:
20.06.2008 0.00 off day
21.06.2008 17.00 three letters can describe this run: wtf. I don't know what compelled me to do this but i think it was the taking friday off. Dont worry guys, I totally got this. Ran to matt's and came back along speedway in 2:09:51.
Total 51.00


kangway said...

Looks like you're running's going pretty well Chief, but I'd like to see you exercise a little more caution. Two things:

1) Make sure you're getting in abs/core and general strength exercise. Lunges and calf raises can also be key (slow, eccentric calf raises).

2) Not that running should have many rules, but just to be safe it might be a good idea for now to observe Daniel's 25% rule, as in, don't let your long run exceed 25% of your weekly mileage. For instance, 17/51= 1/3 > 1/4, so maybe keep those 17 and 18 milers for when you're hitting your higher weeks of 70-80mpw.

Other than that, looks like you're having a good time. Just try to be sensible and cautious.

Garrett said...

Chief I want to see how my little protege is doing. U must update young grasshopper!