Tuesday, February 2, 2010



I can't handle having all my classes on Tuesday/Thursday as well as hard workouts. My legs were already tired when I got to the track, and I couldn't keep up with the guys on the warmup to Allen. That is all degrees of sad. Obviously didn't do too well on the workout, but I need to find something that'll work.

Was supposed to do 6x800 every 5 min, actually did the first 2 and 4th one before calling it (2:33, 2:31, 2:37)

Took 62:25


Dennis said...

See if Scott will let you move your workouts to Wednesdays/Fridays. Have your long run on Sundays and your easy days on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Either run on Monday or rest.

Sachith said...

yea, I'm actually planning to do double days on Wednesday (morning hard, afternoon easy), so I can get my workouts in without feeling too tired. If this works out I can run easy Tuesday I think.