Thursday, July 24, 2008

an update on the foot for those concerned

"So anyways, the pain in my foot is pretty much all concentrated into that little tendon that's right under and to the outside of the ankle. I have no idea what it's called, and I know that's a horrible description of where it is, but I don't really know how to do better. Anyways I think it happened after the 18 mile run to Alyssa's, but I just sorta blew it off cuz it was 18 miles, and I figured my legs were bound to be a bit sore. Then I ran that 4:49.9 mile on it, and that was probably no good, although I only noticed that the day after when I went for a run. It's been pretty on or off since then, although there doesn't seem to be a correlation with running. But I don't know since I didn't take time off. I realize that my stride is set up exactly right so I don't even notice it at all except if I'm going really slow (and I mean really slow, like 9 minute miles). Even when I ran the mile I couldn't feel it when I was running, but I definitely felt it the next day. The only time I'll notice is if I roll my ankle (and this usually happens about once every run). In fact that's the only way I know I'm not fully healed yet; rolling my left foot feels a little different than rolling my right. So yea, basically right now it seems pretty good. I'm taping it up while at work and basically whenever I'm not running for good measure, and I think it's helping."

-from an email I sent to kangway

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