Thursday, October 1, 2009



Did some biking. I think my body is actually starting to adapt to the bike as I couldn't get my HR past 180 or so. Did a hard workout:

15 minute warmup -> 3 x (3 on, 3 medium, 3 on, 2 off) -> 10 minute cooldown

Averaged around 115 RPM, 160 HR for easy/off, 125 RPM, 170 HR for the first hard section, 120 RPM, 170 HR for the medium section, and 130 RPM, 180 HR for the second hard section. On the last 3 minute thing I gunned it at 150 RPM but surprising my HR held approximately constant at 185ish. Increasing resistance only made me go slower and actually drop heartrate so I put it back to normal. Went 21.02 pseudomiles.

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