Saturday, October 3, 2009


Morning (Pomona Regional Preview Meet):

Did Not Run... I thought the freshmen did pretty well for us in this meet, but when Travis is not sick and I'm not injured/out of shape this course should be fun... if I can make it.


Didn't want to do stationary bike so I rode the actual bike around. It was weird not having access to statistics like HR and RPM. I actually prefer high resistance low RPM on the real bike more than low resistance high RPM as I do on the stationary. I guess I like to feel like I'm going fast. Anyways, despite the change of scenery, I still was mentally and physically drained today. I'd hoped to avoid at least the mental part of it by not using the stationary but to be honest I still felt like crap. I can't really say how fast I was going but on a per-effort basis I think it was about right (I felt like my heart was going nuts on the hard parts just like with running).

~15 min warmup down San Pasqual

10 on, 2 off
8 on, 2 off
6 on, 2 off
4 on, 2 off
2 on, 2 off

~15 minute cooldown down Del Mar

There's actually a pretty fun place to do "laps" although they'd be a little long if running; Madre->San Pasqual->Rosemead->California.

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