Saturday, September 12, 2009


Redlands Invite (Morning):

A little bit of a disappointing race. Achilles felt okay for 2-3 miles before becoming a notable problem (even while running barefoot). It was clearly agitated after the race but has since calmed down to pre-race levels. However, what made it disappointing was the way the race was split.

Mile 1: 5:28
Mile 2: 11:18
Mile 3: 17:17
Finish (6k): 21:33

Clearly I need to stop going out in 5:30 until I can actually do a 27:30 8k. I was supposed to try to do 5:50 miles, but I just got caught up in the moment. But more importantly I felt like I was just afraid to go fast during that third mile. I know I'm in shape enough to be able to do it but for some reason I just barely held on to Cameron. I think it boils down to the confidence issue I expressed yesterday; one thing know I need to work on is I have to know I can run hard and not worry about dying later or anything silly like that. I like having a good kick at the end but as Ian said that's not the most important thing when racing. I need to be able to run my own race and not worry about other people, especially my own teammates.

The team looks good this year. If we can avoid injuries I think we will move up a few places in SCIAC.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Hey, three guys finished above the 50th percentile. That's not bad!