Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Since my achilles tends to feel better in the afternoon, I opted instead to lift. Ian showed me some good exercises; I can tell I will be sore tomorrow if not later tonight. I will try to do the 50 minute bike ride in the afternoon. In other news, my car had some sort of nervous breakdown but it seems to be all better. The "Safety Neutral Switch" had latched into an unfavorable position so the engine decided something was wrong this morning but it seems to have corrected itself. I'll have to keep an eye out for that though to make sure my gearbox isn't actually in trouble.


Did the bike for 49:37. I wasn't trying to be lazy but I think I broke the machine; the resistance seemed to exponentially increase for the last few rounds until finally I heard crazy squeaking and my RPMs had dropped to low 80s. Could not get a readout on the number of psuedomiles. :(

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